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By The Editor

Last Wednesday’s peace agreement deal between the two warring sides in Ethiopia is a great cause for joy among many peace loving Africans. We must be quick to mention that the war from the beginning was needless. It served no purpose for both the Ethiopian federal government and the Tigray leadership. Aside that, the deal containing a raft of provisions gives us so much pride given that it was AU-brokered.

It sheds light on the continental bloc’s capacity to resolve conflicts under the notion of African solution for African problems. This notion should be supported everywhere in Africa. More so, the Pretoria Peace Agreement highlights both warring sides’ determination to peacefully resolve the conflict despite who was leading the provocations.

The agreement is monumental in the path to reforms the Ethiopian government started four years ago as said by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in a Wednesday statement.

“Our commitment to peace remains steadfast. And our commitment to collaborating for the implementation of the agreement is equally strong. We count on your continued support in reconstructing conflict-affected areas in the Northern part of the country and an enhanced partnership with Ethiopia in our countrywide development endeavors.”

Ethiopia’s causes and stands have been well received in the agreement, said Abiy as he addressed people gathered at the launching of the national poultry, dairy, and honey production development program, themed “YeLemat Trufat” yesterday in Gamo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ State. The meaning of “Lemat” is a traditional food tray.

The peace deal is a great opportunity for Africa’s second-most populous country, and it’s our hope that both sides will live up to their words by upholding the constitution and the rule of the land. Congratulations African Union, Congratulations Africa and Congratulations Ethiopia!

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