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As Zimbabwe’s crucial August 23, 2023 elections draw near, concerns over transparency, oppression, and potential vote rigging are intensifying, casting a dark cloud over the democratic process.

Tensions escalated Tuesday when police arrested 40 members of the leading opposition party, Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC), accusing them of disrupting order during a campaign event in a southwestern suburb of the capital Harare.

Opposition voices claim that the rally had been initially registered but was later redirected by authorities.

Commenting on happenings, opposition leader Tendai Biti expressed dismay over the handling of the electoral process, citing issues with the voters’ roll and accusing the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) of favoritism.

“The shenanigans around the Voters roll are sad and regrettable,” Biti wrote on his official Facebook page.

He highlighted that while ZANU-PF had access to the polling station voters’ roll, other candidates and political parties were facing obstacles.

“We restate that this is the most manipulated election since independence,” Biti added, raising concerns about the fairness of the upcoming polls.

Adding to the controversy, Fred M’membe, the President of the Socialist Party of Zambia, expressed his support for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the ruling party ZANU-PF.

M’membe defended his stance, noting that despite their imperfections, he believed that national liberators and anti-imperialist forces should be given precedence over what he referred to as “puppets” and “agents of imperialism.”

This endorsement has sparked further debates about external influences and potential bias in the electoral process.

Analysts are now questioning the credibility of the elections and whether the voice of the opposition is being stifled through arrests, alleged manipulation of the voters’ roll, and international endorsements that favor the ruling party. With just days remaining until the polls, the international community is closely watching Zimbabwe’s democratic exercise, hoping for a fair and transparent process that truly reflects the will of the people. Reporting by Ollus Ndomu

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