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A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Indiana as a 3-year-old boy accidentally discharged a gun he found in his mother’s purse, tragically resulting in the death of his 2-year-old brother.


According to reports, the mother disclosed to authorities that her younger son found the loaded firearm in her bedroom and unintentionally shot his sibling. Rushing to seek help, she drove the injured toddler to a nearby hospital, but despite efforts, the child succumbed to the injury. The incident occurred on Friday evening in Gary, located about 150 miles away from Indianapolis. Nearby residents reported hearing a loud noise around 7:30 p.m., prompting authorities’ attention, as shared by ABC. The Gary Police Department took to Facebook to confirm the incident, urging firearm owners to responsibly store their weapons using gun locks or secure boxes.

Expressing their condolences, Gary Mayor Jerome A. Prince and Police Chief Anthony Titus issued a joint statement, mourning the loss of the young boy and vowing to take necessary measures in response to this tragic event.


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