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By: Chioma Madonna Ndukwu

Have you ever wondered what the Biblical Jezebel represents in the New Testament? Do not worry as we sail together in this mind-shifting article, where new vista of knowledge will be opened up to you my esteemed readers. Embedded in this article, are some Biblical truths which do not depict carnal representation of the scriptures. This is the product of my tasking research, carried out on the teachings of ministers, theologians and Bible scholars. Enjoy a great read.

The thought that comes to mind at the mention of the name Jezebel is wickedness, the nefarious woman that put a major prophet to flight. To put the records straight, Jezebel, was of noble birth. Her father was king Ethbaal, the Phoenician king of Tyre and Sidon. By the reason of her noble birth, Jezebel became the Phonecian princess. She got married to King Ahab and instigated him to carry out dastardly acts against humanity. The story of Naboth (1Kgs 21:1-19) lends credibility to this assertion. She aligned herself with her husband the king to introduce the worship of Baal, a Tyrian god of nature. She smashed everyone who dared rise against her to extinction. At her order, prophets of God were slain. Succinctly put, she had a negative impact on the king and her subjects. She was cursed till her death and her leadership was styled in dictatorship.

Jezebel was irrefutably villainous. A true representation of the word “evil woman” with a heart of stone. During the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, where they were slaughtered by Elijah because their god could not answer by fire. Jezebel made a solemn resolve to avenge the death of the slain prophets which (debatable though) came to limelight in the new testament of the Bible. The daughter of Herodias, Salome being influenced by her mother, demanded the head of John the Baptist as a reward for her breathtaking dance while entertaining Herod the king. ( Mk 6:23-28).

According to the book of Revelation 2:20, John the beloved remarked on the subtle entrance of the spirit of Jezebel into the church of Jesus Christ, putting up the appearance of a prophetess, to teach and seduce the members of body of Christ to commit sexual immorality and eat things dedicated to idols. The name Jezebel in the new testament connotes acts of witchcraft and wickedness though symbolically. John revealed her as a system used to advance the frontiers of antichrist, a system used to lead many astray. The apostle was not specifically referring to the woman who bore that name, but was hinting on the spirit of Jezebel functioning subtly in church activities, which should be put in check.

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