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In a decisive turn of events following Liberia’s National Elections Commission (NEC) vote count and results tabulation process, the Liberia Elections Observation Network (LEON) confirmed that its analysis revealed no candidate could secure the required 50% plus one threshold for a first-round victory in the October 10, 2023 presidential election.

LEON unveiled its sample-based observation (SBO) findings, reinforcing the NEC’s official presidential election results. 

This announcement came during a press conference in Monrovia on Wednesday.

Madam Juli Endee, a member of LEON’s Steering Committee, emphasized the importance of their SBO results data analysis in ensuring transparency and demonstrating the alignment between official results and the will of the Liberian people. 

LEON’s analysis was grounded in data from 860 of the 904 designated polling places, representing 95.1% of the total.

According to Madam Endee, “LEON’s results analysis shows that no candidate could have reached the 50% plus one threshold for a first-round victory during the 2023 presidential election.” 

She highlighted that these findings matched the NEC’s results and offered a range within which the official results from all polling places should fall.

The SBO approach, recognized internationally, is a statistically based methodology employed for decades in over 40 countries to evaluate the quality and integrity of electoral processes. 

Madam Endee emphasized that this approach reaffirmed stakeholders’ trust and confidence in the NEC’s official results.

LEON’s deployment of 904 NEC-accredited short-term observers (STOs) to a randomly selected, representative sample of polling places across all 73 electoral districts in the 15 counties was instrumental in the analysis. 

Observers followed the voting and counting process on Election Day and validated NEC results data publicly posted at observed polling places. 

The recorded results were cross-verified through photographs of result sheets and confirmed by LEON’s data clerks at their data center.

Madam Endee applauded the National Elections Commission (NEC) for adhering to its policies and procedures, from poll openings to voting, closing, counting, and results tabulation. 

She particularly noted the transparent conduct of the results tabulation at the 19 NEC tally centers.

“Liberian people’s peaceful participation, demonstrated by the current national voter turnout rate of 77.71%, is commendable,” Madam Endee emphasized. LEON called upon political contestants and supporters to respect the will of the Liberian people, as represented by the NEC’s official results, and urged all stakeholders to ensure peaceful and democratic elections during the upcoming second round of presidential elections.

Joseph N. Boakai Gears Up for Presidential Runoff

Presidential candidate Joseph N. Boakai, representing the Unity Party (UP), has embarked on a campaign to rally support from opposition members for the upcoming presidential runoff election.

The UP is set to compete against the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in the runoff, aiming to determine the next president of Liberia for the coming six years. 

Amb. Boakai’s campaign pitch includes uniting opposition political parties and independent candidates in an effort to “redeem the nation from a failed administration led by President Weah.”

In his statements, Amb. Boakai criticized the current CDC government for alleged incompetence, corruption, insecurity, and a lack of leadership. 

He highlighted the need for change and encouraged opposition leaders to unite for a resounding victory in the runoff.

His appeal resonates with opposition leaders, such as Alexander Cummings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), who have pledged to support any opposition party that reaches the runoff.

Amb. Boakai also expressed his commitment to forming an inclusive government that reflects Liberia’s political, social, religious, and ethnic diversity.

President Weah’s Future Uncertain as Runoff Looms

The NEC’s announcement of the need for a presidential runoff in the 2023 election has cast a shadow of uncertainty over President George Weah’s prospects for a second term. 

As results from the election showed no clear winner in the first round, the possibility of a runoff has emerged.

While President Weah and his CDC party were unable to secure a decisive victory in the initial vote, it is evident that opposition candidate Joseph N. Boakai is rallying widespread support. 

The path to the runoff has opened an opportunity for a change in leadership, as a united opposition seeks to unseat the incumbent.

The upcoming presidential runoff promises to be a crucial moment in Liberia’s political landscape, as citizens decide the nation’s future. 

The clear message from the first round is that the Liberian people have expressed their desire for change and accountability; and now all eyes are on the second round of the presidential elections, where Liberia’s destiny will be determined. Reporting by Ollus Ndomu 

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