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United Nations | Xinhua | The UN Security Council on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution to lift notification requirements for arms shipments to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Resolution 2667 reiterates that the arms embargo continues to apply to all nongovernmental entities and individuals operating in the territory of the DRC. But it decides that the notification requirements contained in Resolution 1807 of 2008 shall no longer apply.

Resolution 1807 decides that all states shall notify in advance to the DRC Sanctions Committee any shipment of arms and related materiel for the DRC, or any provision of assistance, advice or training related to military activities in the DRC.

Resolution 2667 requests the DRC government to provide a confidential report to the Security Council no later than May 31, 2023, detailing its efforts to ensure the safe and effective management, storage, marking, monitoring and security of the national stockpiles of weapons and ammunition, as well as its efforts to fight arms trafficking and diversion.

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