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By: The Editor-in-Chief

The recent exchange between Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron regarding their countries’ influence in Africa highlights a concerning trend: the continent being viewed as a battleground for superpower rivalry. As African nations, we must assert our sovereignty and resist becoming pawns in the geopolitical games of major powers.

Africa is not a chessboard for superpowers to assert dominance or pursue their strategic interests at the expense of our own. Our continent is rich in resources, culture, and potential, and we must guard against external powers seeking to exploit or manipulate us for their own gain.

The history of colonialism and exploitation should serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of allowing foreign powers to dictate Africa’s fate. We have fought long and hard for our independence and self-determination, and we cannot afford to relinquish these hard-won gains to new forms of imperialism disguised as economic partnerships or security alliances.

Instead of being drawn into the orbit of competing superpowers, African countries should prioritize cooperation, unity, and development that serve the interests of our people. We must forge partnerships based on mutual respect, equality, and shared prosperity, rather than dependence on external actors whose motives may not always align with our own.

At the same time, African leaders must remain vigilant and assertive in defending our sovereignty against any attempts at undue influence or interference. We must strengthen our institutions, promote good governance, and foster economic self-sufficiency to reduce our vulnerability to external pressures.

Ultimately, the future of Africa should be determined by Africans themselves, free from the dictates of external powers. We have the agency and the capability to chart our own course, and it is incumbent upon us to seize control of our destiny and build a prosperous and peaceful continent for future generations.

Let us heed the lessons of history and stand united in safeguarding Africa’s sovereignty and independence against the machinations of superpower rivalry. Our continent’s future depends on it.

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